Welcome to Fish Drum News:

Very sad news:


Ira Cohen, February 3, 1935-April 25, 2011

+++ For the time being we are not accepting any submissions! Thank you. +++

New from Fish Drum in August 2010:
Renée Gregorio: Drenched
French American Cultural Exchange

POEM »Drenched« is New Mexican Poet Renée Gregorio's fifth collection of poetry. »[She] knows and sees where she is – in her body, her place, herself. She finds courage in navigating the dark of deep waters. It's wisdom when she writes, 'no pressure to be other than what I am'.« – Joanne Kyger.

Drawings by Julie Wagner.
Cover art by Abbie Winson.

Easily obtainable: Send $15.00 to Fish Drum Inc. Add $3.50 S&H for retail sales.
To order please download order form.

New from Fish Drum in June 2009:
P.O.E.M. — Poets on (an) Exchange Mission
French American Cultural Exchange

POEM A bilingual anthology edited by Suzi Winson, Olivier Brossard, and Vincent Broqua POEM is an experiment in translations of contemporary poetry in English and French.

It is a component of a transatlantic poetry festival
(USA: June 19th/20th 2009 – France: 26th/27th 2009) and a collaborative effort between Fish Drum (NYC) and
Double Change (Paris).

The poets include Bill Berkson, JJ Blickstein, Thomas Devaney, David Lespiau, Sabine Macher, Gretchen Mattox, Michele Metail, Anne Portugal, Pascal Poyet, Michael Rothenberg, Sebastien Smirou, and Anne Valley-Fox. Translators include Vincent Broqua, Olivier Brossard, Macgregor Card, Marcella Durand, Vincent Dussol, Jean-Jacques Poucel, and Beatrice Trotignon.

Easily obtainable: Send $20.00 to Fish Drum Inc. Add $3.50 S&H for retail sales.
To order please download order form.

Or order via
SPD - Small Press Distribution

Coming attractions at Fish Drum 2010:
Assorted contributors
(not accepting submissions at this point)

A Journal of Zen Life with Philip Whalen, by Tensho David Schneider

Photos by Ira Cohen

...and perhaps

A graphic novel by Tom Zummer

New from Fish Drum in September 2007:
A SERIES OF SMALL BOXES – by Thomas Devaney

smallboxes In »A Series of Small Boxes«, Thomas Devaney tells us: »Pack your songs, fringe history of television,/ kindergarten constructions, extra socks--/ somehow it all will fit; and what doesn't/ you can bring along too if you'd like.«

This is Thomas Devaney's second collection of poems. He is also the author of »The American Pragmatist Fell in Love« (Banshee Press, 1999) and »Letters to Ernesto Neto« (Germ Folios, 2005). Devaney has the gentle grace of Rilke combined with the wisdom of Solomon. For this he is irresistible.

[His poems] »are vulnerable, pleasurable, tolerant, wary and contemporary.« --Fanny Howe

»The poems are resonant patches of serious life, almost as buoyant as dreams. Their light graces remain etched in the mind.« --John Ashbery

More on Devaney www.writing.upenn.edu/~wh/devaney.html

Easily obtainable: Send $15. to Fish Drum Inc. Add $3.50 S&H for retail sales
To order please download order form.


»There's something unjaded here, solar and sanguineous; we ought to gamble our conventional lives away in order to see what will grow from this increasing heat.«
Anthony Seidman.

This is the latest collection from JJ Blickstein, a New York poet and visual artist of multi-ethnicity, editor of the award-winning journal Hunger Magazine, stonemason, and martial artist.

»...The most unexpected people arise on the poetic horizon, everyone from Hopper to Nam June Paik, Tarot to European history, Walter Benjamin, labor, water in the form of tears, in sweat glistening on his beloved?s body... The poem, as always when one reads a true poet, is the event; the language is the grain and the delta, and it can bring you anywhere.« --- AS

Easily obtainable: Send $15. to Fish Drum Inc. Add $3.50 S&H for retail sales
To order please download order form.

Old but good NEWS (archive)